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Calling all Spicy Romance Readers and Reviewers


Updated: Jan 3, 2023

Do you enjoy spicy hot romance books? Are you looking for indie writers with a whole cast of sexy characters? Do you want to read and review books before they are available to the public? Perfect! I am looking for book reviewers and reviewers who have a book review blog. If you want to receive advanced reading copies (ARCs) of my books I am excited to hear from you! If you are a reviewer and/or have a blog and want to be on our list to *possibly* receive ARC copies of my books, just send me an email to with the following info:

  • Your name

  • Your email address (or kindle address)

  • The web address link to where you review books (personal blog as well as Goodreads and Amazon, if available.)

Things to note before signing up:

  • There are only a set number of ARCs that will be sent out. Not everyone who applies will be chosen to receive an ARC.

  • This is open to All reviewers and/or bloggers. Do you have your own website/blog/bookstagram/booktube? Perfect! Do you primarily only review on Amazon or Goodreads? Fantastic!

  • Reviews should be posted within a week of the release of the book on both Amazon and Goodreads (and your blog if you have it!)

That’s it! Please send me an email! Thanks in advance for your interest in helping to spread the word about my books! I am so excited to hear from you!

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 I love being part of the bookish community and I adore hearing from readers and fans of the books. Let's connect. Do you want to see an interview from a specific character, join my ARC readers or be part of my Street Team? I'm eager to hear from you.

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