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Author & Character Q&A

Discover more about Jennifer Marcia and her characters

If you have ever wondered what this author was thinking when she wrote your favorite spicy romance or have found yourself thinking that you wish you knew more about the hot-as-hell main characters in Jennifer Marcia's new novels then you are in luck ; this is the Q&A page for JM's author and character interviews.

The Interviews

Hi, I'm Jennifer Marcia. Welcome to my author interviews which I have done for Donnie when he was released and for Awakening the Queen of the Damned when it was released in Realm of Midnight, as well as my character interviews. Every month I introduce an interview with one of my bad boy book boyfriends from an upcoming or previously published novel in my Cocktails & Criminals Newsletter. I love sharing my thoughts and emotional connections with my characters. If you would like an interview with one of my other characters hero or heroine I would love to share that. Drop me an email and I will see if they feel like chatting .

Q&A Cards 

the books

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 I love being part of the bookish community and I adore hearing from readers and fans of the books. Let's connect. Do you want to see an interview from a specific character, join my ARC readers or be part of my Street Team? I'm eager to hear from you.

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©2022-2024 Jennifer Marcia. 

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